I originally intended to do this as my 1st pair of hand-dyed flag, but didn't manage to. While attempting to make these flags the 1st time round, I moved the dyes around, to make space on my table, and as I moved a deep red bottle out of the way, a huge drop splatter right smack into the middle of my silk. I had to put the New Life flags on hold and do a pair named "Redeemer" instead. As I was dyeing the redeemer flags, the Lord impressed upon my heart, that it is by the shedding of His blood, that we can experience New Life.

So finally I had a chance to make these flags. The day I was intending to make this, a friend called up wanting to buy a green flag. God-coincidence! As I prayed through the making of these flags, these came to mind.
The colors of these flags is like the color of Spring, a time of new life. For some reasons, I had a lot of trouble trying to sew these flags. I was impressed that new life, like the birthing forth of a new baby, is not easy, but we keep our eyes on the joy set before us. Ignoring the pain. The red spots are like spring flowers. Red is also the blood of Christ. It is thru the shedding of His blood that we have new life.
2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT ...Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! So thankful these flags found their owner!